
A typical monday morning

In onore della rielezione di Obama oggi pubblico il post in inglese.....non voletemene..appena ho tempo traduco...

Your husband wakes up at 4.30 a.m. to cross the boarder and be at work on time, he kisses you, but u don't even realize it 'cause u're totally lost in the untouchable world of  dreams.
Then you naturally wake up, when there's still silence cause the rascals are still snoring, and decide to take some time for you........what could u do......well.....u got plenty of zenish purposes like  the 7th tibetans, some yoga or a buddhist meditation? U're gently going for a meditation when u remember who u really are: a very busy mother and teacher and u still have to hang out that yesterday washing, lay the table with plenty of different corn flakes, cookies, fruits, honey.... Than you have to get ready  and prepare the last minute lesson.......
                                                                        they are awaken.

Josefino wakes up and keeps rolling on the carpet cause he's already tired and misses his carapace.Tinetto occupies the water toilet for half an hour and misteriously washes the whole bathroom.I prepare two yoghurts knowing that they'll claim milk or you prepare milk with chocolate sure that they'll claim a yoghurt.U try to be as zen as possible but cant' t stand their morning sleepy tantrums  so u put biscuits in their mouth and walk to school cause is inevitably late.....
Kiss on their cheeks and driven into classes, 2 words with  friends and run to your high school classes.  On the hallway door you meet ur colleague who has more children than u and let u maliciously know that she has already prepared 2 jam tarts for the church meeting and a meatlof that morning........so u ask yourself who's her pusher and head into a bunch of pimply teenagers.
U have lunch and would eventually take that time for you........what could u do......well.....  the 7th tibetans, some yoga or a buddhist meditation.
Oh my!!!  You can't, you have to take in the washing, to clean the house, to prepare lessons for tomorrow classes.On the go again....Time to pick the children up, buy some fresh fruit, milk and  bread, hoping it won't rain so u can stop a little bit at the playground so they can run, jump, climb, get dirty and give vent to their childish liveliness........actually  they are just 2 boys of 3 and 5.Then u go home and invent some diy for them cause u wanted them so bad and time runs so quickly and u don't want to see them grown.....
Time for dinner, an episode of Peppa pig and the 2 little monkeys become the sweetest children on earth and kisses Time for dinner, an episode of Peppa pig and the 2 little monkeys become the sweetest children on earth and kisses you and want you on their side holding their pinky soft hands cause  you are their MOTHER.Finally they start dreaming in their fairy world and you can FINALLY take some time for you........what could u do......well.....  the 7th tibetans, some yoga or a buddhist meditation?Naaaaaaah  you forgot to iron!!!!!

On the go again....That's all folks!!!!

7 commenti:

  1. Ahahah, tesoro.. altrochè meditazioni tibetane e trascendentali.. (che a me servirebbero immensamente, ultimamente)! Tu non ti fermi proprio mai.. e che pazienza ci vuole certe volte..! Sei mitica, una vera forza della natura. Come va stella? Va meglio? Un abbraccio grande e ti auguro davvero una giornata serena e pacata come la vuoi. Sogni? Mah, speriamo divengano realtà! :)

  2. le anime lasciano tracce vive ... e per un po' le vedi le senti infine ti ci abitui e cominci a riconoscerle in altri modi....

    1. E' proprio vero.. amica dolce. Cambiano solo forma ma il loro amore e la loro fedeltà al cuore vivrà accanto a te in eterno. Ti voglio bene.

  3. Non conosco l'inglese così aspetterò la traduzione. Nel frattempo mi sono riletta il post di Puzzi, ho ribagnato i tasti del pc davanti a tanta commuovente dolcezza.

    1. grazie cara Paola.....queste parole per le parole che fanno bene!!!
      un bacio

  4. Io non posso che sperare nella traduzione! Sono una povera donna antidiluviana!
    Grazie per essere passata da me, contraccambio con piacere!
    A presto, piacere di conoscerti...

    1. anche io sono antidiluviana in tante cose, pure antidiluvio universale God permettendo!!!


adoro i pensieri che seminate nel mio roseto...